how to use Ibogaine for Treatment

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buy iboga online, To begin with, Ibogaine treatment The history of Ibogaine is a colorful one, it emerges from the dark, jungles of West Central Africa into the light of modern medicine. Also, The history of Ibogaine use took almost two centuries for Ibogaine to be accepted as a powerful drug in the medical arsenal in overcoming addiction.

firstly, From its humble origins in the West central African jungles to its present status as a powerful cure for substance abuse, many people are experiencing the freedom from drugs which Ibogaine is helping them achieve. and right up to date From African tribesmen to modern-day addicts, there are thousands of individuals who found inner peace and freedom from drug addiction through the powerful properties of Ibogaine. buy iboga online

Ibogaine Treatment For SHORT-ACTING OPIATES

furthermore, Ibogaine works to treat addiction differently base on addiction types. Although there are many varying degrees of addiction and different stages regarding their treatment, most of addiction treatment approaches fall into one of these categories:


  • Heroin Addiction
  • Opiate addiction
  • Methadone
  • Suboxone


  • Alcohol
  • Methamphetamine

Over the years, ibogaine (iboga plant extract) attracts attention because of its ability to reverse addiction, such as those short-acting opiates, by reducing symptoms of withdrawals and promoting detox.

Treatment For Opiate Addiction.

Heroin Addiction and the Brain

When a patient takes heroin, it produces a numbing effect on the brain while also targeting the brain’s natural pleasure center to induce euphoria. In essence, the person feels an immense amount of pleasure while diminishing or reducing g pain.

On the surface, this sound enticing. However, with the way these substances work, once remove, the brain cannot produce the same level of natural chemicals to keep up with the immense amount this substance produces.

Again, when he uses heroin, the brain is triggered to adapt to the high levels of pleasure chemicals. Within a few days, the brain becomes addicted to these high levels of “feel-good” chemicals. Thus, the brain adjusts to a higher level, and the addict has to use more.

Ibogaine Treatment

This vicious cycle is terrible enough, but with the drug’s high overdose potential, the addiction to this drug becomes extremely dangerous.

The addict has become used to a certain level of drug use, somewhere near 100 times the natural amount the brain can produce on its own.

When an addict tries to stop using the drug, withdrawal symptoms start to manifest. The brain cannot produce enough “feel-good” chemicals to keep the addict’s current state. The brain cannot even produce enough chemicals for the addict to feel “normal.”

This is where withdrawals begin.

Ibogaine Addiction Treatment for Suboxone and Methadone – Long-Acting Opiates

  • Suboxone, Methadone, and other opiate antagonists (blockers) do not work well with Ibogaine.
  • These long-acting opiates block the opiate receptors by “sticking” to them. These are the very receptors buy Ibogaine Works to heal.
  • When taken with these long-acting opiates in the system, some addicts still experience the euphoria and “trip” that can come from using ibogaine. However, ibogaine won’t be effective at treating the addiction and working on receptors.
  • Anyone who tells you otherwise may be taking advantage of your desperation. This is simple science. If receptors are blocked, Ibogaine can do little to help–especially for the long-term.
  • These long-acting opiates can take weeks to be eliminated from the system.
  • Taking ibogaine while on these long-acting opiates can also be extremely dangerous

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